

Bubble Orchestra is a collaboration between Precog Magazine and Virtual Dream Center for the application « Virtual Dream Center 4.1 » and « Precog Magazine Issue 5 ».

Bubble Orchestra is an application for Mac and PC that features the exhibitions :

C. Franco, « A Plague » 
Heidi Howard & Liz Phillips, « Relative Fields in a VR Garden »
Sara Ludy, « Untitled »
Umber Majeed, « »
Kirill Zakomoldin & Vanessa Kowalski, « How to Avoid Getting the Bends’ »

and works of the following artists :

Alison Kuo & Williamson Brasfield, Amos Frazer, BASE Studio, Carlos Irijalba, Dante Lentz & Kari Cholnoky, Effy Xiaofu Wang & Simone Kearney, Ellie Krakow, Griffin Harrison, Ilana Harris Babou, Lindsay Lee Long, Lykanthea, Malte Gruhl, Ololade Adeniyi, Patricia Dominguez, Renee Carmichael, Rodrigo Quintero, Rosana Cabán & Dani Mari, Stephen Decker, Virginia Lee Montgomery, Xoan Anleo

Game and level design : Nicholas Steindorf

Download the application on Itch

Heidi Howard & Liz Phillips – Relative Fields in a VR Garden


Relative Fields in a VR Garden

Virtual exhibition : Heidi Howard & Liz Phillips

« When choosing the objects to radiate sound, some really neat things happened that were totally new. I didn’t want to use regular speakers, I wanted the sound to emanate from the wall and the objects, so the objects became a way to replicate and enhance the recorded sounds. For example, the thin wood in the waterfall area was able to replicate the warmth of how the waterfall fell on stone surrounded by leaves. Originally we had wanted to bring in real plants, but then the museum said that they do not allow any natural things that might have bugs in the museum. »

Extract from « In the Garden », a conversation between Gaby Collins-Fernandez, Heidi Howard and Liz Phillips in Precog Magazine Issue 5

C. Franco – A Plague


A Plague

Virtual exhibition : C. Franco

“motherf—-in normies” anon on 4 chan (accompanied by Feels Good Man meme)
Two cardinal points seemingly at odds with each other, congealed across a hyper mediated landscape : Pepe the Frog, fan fav meme of shit-posting anons on 4chan & 8chan. According to media sources and the Anti Defamation League, co-opted character by the N’American alt-right, representing bigotry and an all around hate symbol. #kek
The Coqui frog, amphibian endemic to the island of Puerto Rico, now considered an invasive species in the continental United States and Hawaii. Identified by its mating call : ‘KO-Kee’, it’s become a nuisance for those that consider it an alien species in their lands, as it fills the night with its horny high-pitch amphibian symphony; in Puerto Rico considered an integral soothing sound of the nightscape.
Highly porous creatures, amphibians serve as sensitive barometers for their eco-systems, their permeable skin and delicate lifecycles make them susceptible to the high & low conditions that may incite mobility & virality across regions that may make their highly deterministic rhythm feel at home.

C. Franco

Umber Majeed –


Virtual exhibition : Umber Majeed

« The project offers a critical perspective of geopolitical issues within South Asian diasporic cultures through performative gestures, satire, and symbols. The multilayered narrative and visual material overlap tourism, familial archives, metaphors of the body, and proposals of technological piracy as urban design. The project speculates within augmented and virtual technologies to alternative forms of occupation in urban imaginaries of surveilled simulacra; contesting the corporate imaginary entering the home. The viewer is encouraged to loiter and walk counter-clockwise within the virtual reality space, ( demonstrating an act of resistance to the harmful idealism of speed, progress and distorted internationalism embedded in Bahria Town’s imagination. »

Extract from « », by Umber Majeed

Kirill Zakomoldin & Vanessa Kowalski – How to Avoid Getting the Bends’


How to Avoid Getting the Bends’

Virtual exhibition : Kirill Zakomoldin& Vanessa Kowalski

« As we continue to dive into the depths of our devices in search of the buried cryptocurrency treasure that might finance a journey to an Atlantis where machines have liberated us from labor, we get further and further from the shore where someone will always have to sit in the techno-ash smog to enter all those 0s and 1s. »

Extract from « How to Avoid Getting the Bends », a text by Vanessa Kowalski